# Enterprise Deployment Information - Nanome 1.x ONLY
This section provides additional information and resources for on-prem enteprise deployments. For assistance with setting up or managing your environments, please reach out to your dedicated Nanome representative.
NOTE: THIS IS FOR NANOME 1.X ONLY. Please contact your enterprise account manager for MARA or NanomeAI deployment information.
# Recommended Infrastructure
The following diagram illustrates how network traffic in Nanome works, as well as what we recommend for your enterprise network infrastructure.
# IT & Networking Requirements
# Virtual Machine #1:
The recommended specs for the Private Server VM are:
- Amazon AWS T2.Medium EC2 Windows 2012 Server or greater or *equivalent
- 1 quad core CPU (e.g., Intel Xeon 3440, E3-1230 etc.) 4 GB RAM 1 GBps NIC / uplink port speed
- Windows Server 2012 and above
- 10GB + of storage space
# Virtual Machine #2:
The recommend specs for the Dedicated Plugins VM are:
- Amazon AWS T2.Large EC2 Linux machine with 30 GB of disk storage or *equivalent
- 1 GBps NIC / uplink port speed
- A Linux based operating system (Ubuntu or CentOS)
- 4 CPU - equiv. to an Intel Broadwell E5-2686v4 or higher
- 8GB of RAM
- 90GB of Storage space
- 1 GBps NIC /uplink port speed
# Inbound Ports
The following inbound ports are required for VM #1 to connect to the VR devices:
- UDP 5055, 5056
- TCP 443, 80, 8888
The following inbound ports are required for VM #2 to allow connection to plugin webpages (like Vault and Data Table):
- TCP 80, 443
# Outbound Ports
The following outbound ports are needed on each of the VR devices for internal collaboration:
- UDP Ports: 5055, 5056 towards VM #1
- TCP Ports 8888 towards the VM #1
- TCP Ports 80 & 443 towards VM #2
- TCP Port 443 open for ”api.nanome.ai”
- TCP Port 443 open for “home.nanome.ai”
- TCP Port 443 open for “cms.nanome.ai”
# Nanome Collaboration for training sessions
The following outbound ports are needed on each of the VR devices for external training sessions with Nanome:
- UDP 5055, 5056 towards the DNS “collaboration.nanome.ai”
- TCP 8888 towards DNS “plugins.nanome.ai”
# Plugin Deployment Procedure & Security Info
# Steps for Deployment
(See our README doc (opens new window) for more details.)
- Step 1: Provision the Dedicated Plugins Virtual Machine.
- Step 2: SSH into the VM + Install Git & Docker.
- Step 3: Pull the Nanome Plugin Deployer and run it.
- Step 4: Docker Container Health Check.
- Step 5: Validate the connection from the VR client.
# Plugins that Require DNS Entries
The Data Table, Vault, and Quickdrop plugins will be hosted differently than other plugins and will exist as DNS entries under your domain.
./deploy.sh -a $NTS_IP \
--plugin data-table --nginx --url nanome-table.example.com \
--plugin vault --nginx --url nanome-vault.example.com \
--service quickdrop --nginx --url nanome-quickdrop.example.com
# HTTPS for Web Plugins and Services:
By default, self-signed certs in the nginx/certs folder are used, but if you'd like to provide your own certs, simply replace default.crt and default.key with your own certs.