# Scene Viewer

The Scene Viewer is an extension of Nanome’s Vault. Users can arrange content in 3D with informative rendering and label annotations and save these Scenes into a Scene Deck, a .nanoscenes file that is saved in Vault. This provides a way to organize presentations and work that involves multiple protein entries that are best studied alone or in smaller groups, sequentially.

In Edit mode, users can create scenes, name them, and provide short descriptions to help direct focus on key aspects of the scene. Scenes can be updated, reordered, added, and deleted. Content from one scene may be copied and pasted into another scene.

In view mode (Edit mode toggled Off), the scenes of the deck can be viewed by clicking forward and backward, and the name and description can be hidden or shown, and independently positioned and scaled in the space to support various presentation scenarios.

# Instructions

  1. Accessing the Scene Viewer

    The Scene Viewer is accessible from Vault, in the Stacks menu.

    • Activate and open Vault.
    • Click on Actions in the lower left corner.
    • Choose the Open Scene Viewer option to open the Scene Viewer menu.

  1. Creating the First Scene
    • Arrange and render the 3D content, including size, location and hiding of any workspace content that is not wanted for the scene. Click update.
    • Select notes to open the entry menu for name and description of the scene. A character counter is provided. Click update. This will update the scene viewer menu with the scene name.

  1. Creating subsequent Scenes
    • New scenes are created by clicking on + New Scene in the top bar of the menu. The new scene will consist of the content at the time + New Scene is chosen. The new scene will be added to the deck in the position just below the scene from which + New Scene was chosen. For example, if scenes ordered A, B, C, D have been made, and scene B is active when a new scene is added, the new scene will be positioned between B and C in the deck. When finished editing the new scene and associated notes, click update.
      • Users may select any scene in the deck from which to start a new scene.
      • Users may edit the active scene, then add a new scene and update, or
      • Users may add a new scene, then edit and update it.
    • Remember to choose update before switching scenes in edit mode.

A new scene has been added, with default name Scene 2.

An example of a new scene with rendering changes.

Several scenes in a Scene Deck have been created.

  1. Reviewing scenes in View mode (Edit mode toggled off)
    • When Edit mode is toggled off, the menu options are simplified to viewing controls. Select a scene to view it, or use the arrows (<< , < , > , >>) to navigate through the scenes.
    • Click Open Scene Info to see the notes on the scene in a separate panel. Move and scale the panel to preference; it will remain in position with only content changes as scenes are changed.

The Scene Viewer when Edit Mode is toggled off.

Clicking Open Scene Info opens a new panel with the name and description.

Move the Scene Info panel to a suitable position and scale for viewing.

Move the Scene Info panel to a suitable position and scale for viewing.

  1. Saving Scene Decks (.nanoscenes files)
    • In Edit Mode, choose Save Deck to Vault.
    • In the pop up menu, enter a name and click Save.
    • Vault will open; choose where to save the file in your vault.
    • If Vault is already open, check the menu after clicking save to choose the save location.

Last Updated: 8/18/2023, 3:56:29 AM